Tea is Therapy
Tea drinking is a ritual of purification, this is a way to stop, reflect and start again. Tea helps us achieve peace of mind, spiritual well-being and overall mental and physical balance. Tea also has medicinal properties such as reducing risk of heart attack and stroke, weight loss, boasts the immune system, aids in the battle against cancer and soothes the digestive system. Green Tea, Black Tea, Herbal Tea, Oolong Tea, White Tea, Matcha and Chai are some of the many different kinds.
This herb is frequently used to relieve anxiety and stress. It soothes your nerves and calms the mind which leads to better sleep and focus. Chamomile helps treat skin irritations, reduce inflammation, relieve menstrual cramps and balance your bloodstream. In addition, it soothes stiff muscles, treats nausea as well as indigestion. Chamomile tea is also good for mothers and babies who are still breastfeeding. It soothes the stomach and soul.
Lavender reduces stress and has calming properties. It also has medicinal properties such as reducing inflammation, detoxifying the body, boosting immunity and aids your respiratory health. Drinking lavender tea can boost your mood and reduce anxiety. It promotes better sleep and repairs your skin. Along with helping you to rest easy, lavender can also make you have prophetic dreams.
This spice is extremely rich in manganese which helps regulate your blood sugar and aids in the formation of bones, tissue and hormones. Saffron has many more medicinal properties like fighting cancer, improving your vision, curing insomnia, relieving period pain, healing wounds and scars and improving damaged hair and skin. Saffron is also good for women during pregnancy. It helps reduce the risk of heart disease and heart problems by strengthening your circulatory system. You can drink this tea every day if you like and it will give your skin an amazing glow.
Peppermint is a natural, caffeine-free tea that is recommended for curing all sorts of ailments. This herb aids in digestion, stress, dental care, weight loss, memory problems, tuberculosis and helps colds and flus. It is a good headache reliever and great for menstrual cramps. It promotes hair growth, treats acne, oily skin and skin irritations. Peppermint tea is a great energy booster and it improves your sleep. It also freshens your breath improves your throat chakra.
Passionflower is recommended for insomnia due to its sedating substances. It soothes pains, headaches, nerves, eases you into a restful sleep and is great for your third eye chakra. It helps with depression, strengthens brain function and regulates blood circulation. Passionflower increases the amino acids in your brain reducing activity in the central nervous system, this causes you to feel relaxed and boost your mood.
~Lemon Balm~
Lemon Balm or Melissa Officinalis is a great healer for melancholy, this herb lifts you up and refreshes your spirit. It educes anxiety, restlessness, tames tension and nervousness. It has a citrus fresh taste and can also be used to flavour dishes. If you add a couple drops of Lemon Balm to your bath water it soothes away stress and dispels nightmares. Lemon Balm eases stomach cramps and supports brain health.
Turmeric boost your immune system and helps reduce cardiovascular complications. It helps prevent and treat cancer, reduce arthritis symptoms and protects against liver damage. It can treat and prevent cancer. Turmeric releases serotonin and dopamine improving your emotional well-being. It is anti-aging and improves skin, heart and mental health. If you have diabetes however, you should not drink turmeric tea as it can affect sugar medications, you should talk to a doctor before ingesting more or any turmeric.
You can drink hibiscus tea every day, it’s rich in vitamin C and anthocyanin. This means drinking it lowers your blood pressure, cholesterol, risk of heart diseases and promotes weight loss. It is great for respiratory diseases and prevents cold, flus and pre-cancerous cells from growing. Hibiscus tea is anti-aging and protects your liver. You can enjoy this tea hot or cold and add many different ingredients to make a great blend of flavours. Hibiscus tea also improves your sacral chakra. If you are pregnant or already have low blood pressure do speak with a doctor before consuming large amounts.
Ginger calms your stomach, helps with muscle pain, soreness and cramping. It supports digestion, immunity and brain health. Ginger helps you maintain healthy blood sugar levels which increases your energy levels. It improves your heart chakra and normalises your heart rate. It speeds up your metabolism, protects against cancer, and helps in lowering your blood pressure. Ginger is great for detoxifications and is a good source of amino acids.